“Where your eye goes, chi flows.”

— Tracy, Feng Shui Guru and Master Energy

Tracy's clients know she has a unique ability to bring new energy into homes and workplaces. Versed in the classic schools of Feng Shui based on directionality and environmental conditions, her approach to Feng Shui starts from an intuitive point of view. Reading and maximizing an area's "chi" (energy flow) is her calling.

All Your Feng Shui Needs.

Feng Shui Expert Tracy brings 30 years of experience to change your life!

Digital Detox

There’s no difference in impact from disorganization and clutter in the digital world than in the physical world. We’ll untangle your digital world & clear the space for new things!

Life Direction

Are you blocked in one area of your life? Find out what’s blocking you with a consultation. Perfect for organizing a section of your house: basement, bedroom, and more.

Beauty & Balance Package

You have just moved into your dream home. You need help setting up the right colors, furniture positioning, and creating great energy for your home. Perfect for organizing a full home.

“Tracy will work with you to balance the energy in your space. And it works. I felt a strong difference immediately. After starting work with Tracy, I also received a fantastic job offer immediately, out of the blue. I highly recommend Tracy to anyone interested in a living and/or workspace (a life!) that supports their highest intentions.”
